Classified Ad Profile

Classified Ads are advertisements that are organized into sections or groups based on a common attribute (ad type). For example, a classified ad for a job opening might appear in the Employment (ad type) section. A classified ad for an item for sale might appear in the Merchandise (ad type) section.

Classified Ad Profile Information

The Classified Ad Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
advertiser Displays the full name of the advertiser, which can be an individual or an organization. Click the linked name to go to the Individual Profile or Organization Profile page.
contract Displays the NetForum-generated number used to track the contract.
agency Displays the name of the agency involved in the creation of this classified ad.
classified ad Displays the user-selected classified ad type.
order date Displays the user-entered order date.
special instructions Displays the user-entered special instructions about this classified ad.
Ad Text Displays the plain text version of the ad. Click the drop-down box to see a pop-up window with the ad text.

Classified Ad Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Classified Ad Profile:

Classified Ad Child Form

The child forms section of the Classified Ad Profile contains one tab, the Order Info Tab.

Order Info Tab

Use the Order Info tab to track the ad details and invoices. The Order Info tab has the following child forms: